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  • Brittany W. says: It has to be over 6 months. My husband had to go to Fort Gordon for training and it was shy of six months by less then a week so they wouldn't move me there. Stephanie L. says: Deanna we could have gotten housing but we found a 3 bed 2 bath with a huge yard for $850. My hubby went to Rucker in Aug.and Gordon in Oct. We moved here in early August. My husband just said that the 255n are a PCS move here. I just got out of the army after 7 years (so we were dual military)and I did lots of admin. It's 120 days PCS. It's a PCS for her because he is becoming an officer. His enlisted info doesn't transfer over just the number of years served. He doesn't have an assignment to report to and he will be assigned to 442nd we gets to Gordon. It is a PCS for him therefore it's a family move.
  • Posted on 08/02/2012